Rules and practices

I am a fairly organized person. Because of this, I have a VERY BIG list of rules, of which I will post here.



Members are expected to participate in clan wars, capital raids, and/or war leagues. Members may request to not be put in wars by setting their war preference to OUT in their clash royale profile. This will prevent them from being kicked upon non-participation in wars, however, prolonged abscense from clan wars even with a war preference of OUT will result in a kick.


The ELDER role will be given to a member who actively participates in clan war. Elders are given priority over members for selection in wars, meaning they are more likely to be selected. Once given the elder role, the recipiant shall be expected to participate in wars if placed in them. If a promoted elder fails to do this, they will be demoted. Also, elders have heightened permission in the Discord server.


The CO-LEADER role will be given to a member who was previously an elder in the clan. Promotions to co-leader are usually more rare, and only happen during a lack of other co-leaders or if a elder has proven himself to be a great benefactor to the clan as a whole. Co-leaders are permitted to start wars, war leagues, and capital raids and may select members according to their own preferences. Co-leaders may promote, demote, and kick other members of lower power (within reason). Also, co-leaders have administrator permissions in the Discord server.


Do good and you get promoted. Be inactive or do bad and you get demoted. Simple as that. Don't beg for promotions becuase we won't give them to you.

Clan Wars


All clan members, by default, will be put into clan wars. You will only not be put in clan wars if you have your war participation preference set to OUT. (How?) The same concept applies to clan war leagues. Failure to participate in war or have your war preference reflect your intended participation may result in a demotion/kick.

War Preperation

During preperation day, donations are usually handled by co-leaders or the Leader. This is because they usually have the strongest troops, and know which troops are best to donate. In the event that no co-leaders are able to donate, donations will be handled by Elders. If you have a higher level troop then the ones currently donated, you may ask a co-leader or leader to remove the currently donated troops so you can donate your own.

War Battle

During battle day, all members participating are expected to use atleast 1 of their attacks. Members should attack their mirrored target (target of the same number as you) and/or their recommended target. You may attack higher as you please, but only do so if you are positive that you will still get a good amount of stars from your attack. Elders and members are expected to attack within the first 22 hours of battle day, and Co-Leaders and the Leader will "clean up" remaining targets.

War League Info

War leagues are handled just like regular clan wars, however, with a few differences. Since there are multiple days in a war league, participants may be swapped in and out as they please. If you start off in a war league and wish to be removed from it, simply ask a Co-Leader or Leader to remove you. You do not have to participate in every single day of a war league, however, aim to participate in atleast 4 out of 7 (though all 7 would be greatly appreciated). Members who participate more in war leagues and gain more stars during it are more likely to be selected to recieve war league bonuses.

Clan Capital


All clan members are expected to participate in capital raids, atleast to some extent, however we will not kick nor keep track of who doesn't participate. You can attack whoever, whenever, and however you'd like. Clan capital raids start on every Friday and end Sunday night. For the most part, not participating is your loss.

Clan Capital Contribution

If you have clan gold, you are welcome to contribute to the clan capital as you please. While you aren't required, it is encouraged that you do so. Usually, we focus on upgrading out the traps and walls before anything else, but you are welcome to contribute to whatever structure you'd like.


Slurs and swears

Be respectful! Avoid using any racial, homophobic, or whatever slurs. Keep in mind slurs and swears are different. Swears are not targeted or necessarily deragatory in their own sense, while slurs are targeted- usually towards a specific group of people. Swears are allowed as long as they are not said excessivley, nor used to directly insult clan members. You should be able to use your best judgement here.

Topic filters

Avoid politics and other items that may be considered controversial. This is a mobile game; not a chat board. Of course, you are free to talk about whatever, as long as it is within bounds of reason.

Discord Server Chat

Discord is an organized chat room where people can come together and build a community in a single server. We have a Discord server and actively use it communicate. If you wish to join our discord server, click the button at the bottom of the page labeled "Discord Server". All of the chat rules for Clash of Clans apply to the Discord server too. The Discord chat and Clash of Clans chat are interchangible, and we usually utilize both as a means of communication though we rarely use the Discord server.

Not in the clan?

Join us! #2QQRO2YRC

Discord Server